Diagnosis & Prevention
8 Foods that can Help Prevent Lung Cancer
Cancer has become widespread in today’s world. Out of the many types of cancer, lung cancer is becoming common. Rapidly changing lifestyle and food habits contribute to the increase in cancer cases. Habits such as smoking and excessive drinking lead to the development of this disease. Once a person is affected by lung cancer, they need to analyze their lifestyle and make healthy changes. One of the most important ways to prevent the onset of cancer is to consume healthy food. Given below is a list of foods that help fight lung cancer: Pears and apples As per recent studies, scientists have discovered that pears and apples have a certain amount of phloretin chemicals in it, which helps in the recovery of lung cancer. Phloretin helps in reducing the growth of tumors. They also prevent fibrosis in the lungs, due to the presence of photo-chemicals in them. Green tea Green tea contains compounds such as Theaflavin and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG). These compounds are mainly used in cancer-curing drugs. It is important to consume freshly made green tea and not the bottled ones available in store, as the bottled ones have less or no traces of these compounds. Salmon Increased intake of salmon helps in providing increased nutrition.
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