Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins
Signs & Symptoms

Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins

No one would like to spot some blue or dark purple colored veins on his or her legs or any other body parts. If you find such veins sneaking through your skin, you should talk to a dermatologist. This disorder is known as varicose veins and they form due to some faulty valves that pass blood in the wrong direction. The disorder can be found in adults and aged people. Apart from this, pregnant women are vulnerable to this vein disorder. Spider veins, swollen ankles, and aching legs are some of the symptoms one can experience when under the varicose vein disorder. Various treatments are available for varicose veins. You can opt out for home remedies, but if the condition is beyond your control, you should talk to a specialist, as the disorder can lead to varicose ulcers on your skin. Here, we will talk about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for varicose veins. Symptoms In most of the cases, patients do not experience any pain at the beginning for their varicose veins disorder. Have a look at some of the most common symptoms of varicose veins. Twisted and lumpy and swollen veins Minor injuries lead to heavy bleeding Legs feel heavy after any physical activity Swollen ankles Skin discoloration in affected areas Venous eczema Leg cramps after prolong standing Restless legs syndrome Skin shrinking Diagnosis of varicose veins The process of diagnosis involves a physical examination by doctors, where they will check for swelling.
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