5 Effective Treatment Options for Dry Eyes
The dry eye syndrome can be a progressive and chronic condition that needs to be treated as early as possible. Depending on the cause of the problem and severity, the condition might not be completely treatable. However, dry eyes are manageable in most cases and this result in fewer dry eye symptoms, greater eye comfort, and sharper vision. Since the dry eye disease has many causes, various treatment methods can be used. Some treatments focus on managing or reversing the condition while others improve the tear quality or hinder tears from draining away from the eyes quickly. Let’s have a look at the top five effective dry eye treatment options. Artificial tears If you’re experiencing a mild case of dry eyes which is caused by reading, computer use, school work or any other situation cause, the perfect dry eye treatment is using artificial tears or lubricating eye-drops. Usually, the artificial lubricating tears are the initial step in the treatment of dry eyes. You can get different artificial tears brands even without a prescription; this over-the-counter (OTC) lubricating eye drops come in a wide range of ingredients as well as viscosity. Those with a low viscosity offer quick relief with no or little blurring to your vision once applied.
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