9 Tips to Ease the Symptoms of IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with diarrhea can be daunting. It affects your large intestine, and you might experience symptoms like bloating, cramps, gas, diarrhea, and even constipation. It is a common disorder, and people under the age of 45 are known to be prone to it. Moreover, the disease occurs among women more than men as their reproductive hormones influence their gut hormones. Luckily, today several medications are available to treat IBS. Some people wonder about the effectiveness of these medicines, and it is true that for several years pharmaceutical companies struggled with developing safe medication for diarrhea. However, recently, they have come up with new medications to treat IBS. The two medicines are eluxadoline and rifaximin. Eluxadoline is known to cause fewer bowel contractions and therefore eases diarrhea. Rifaximinis an antibiotic that focuses on changing your gut bacteria, thus leading to a reduction in the symptoms of diarrhea. Even though IBS does not cause any grave ailment, its symptoms are quite painful and can interfere with an individual’s daily life. Although medication for IBS can help with the condition, other ways to ease the symptoms are available. Here are some tips that will help you if you have IBS:
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