Tips to prevent asthma attacks

Tips to prevent asthma attacks

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It mainly causes inflammation in the airways and excess mucous production, interfering with breathing. If left unchecked, sudden asthma attacks can affect the patient’s everyday activities and even be potentially life-threatening. Therefore, patients should know the first signs and take necessary preventive measures before things go out of control. Here are five simple tips that help prevent impending asthma attacks. Identify and act swiftly Early identification is crucial for preventing asthma attacks. The sooner the patient identifies the symptoms, the more effective their action plan is. Experiencing shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, or a drop in expiratory flow rate, even while doing the least physically demanding activity, are among the telltale signs of progressing asthma. Carry preventive prescriptions One can manage the signs with quick-relief prescriptions and long-term treatments. Generally, doctors recommend inhalers, tablets, and even allergy shots to counter asthma attacks. In severe cases, inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, and beta-agonists help overcome the inflammation and relax the airway muscles. Patients must carry these prescriptions wherever they go to combat an emergency. Avoid unnecessary exposure Most asthma attacks are triggered by airborne pollutants like pollen, mold, spores, and pet dander.
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Hyperkalemia – Foods to avoid and management options
Diseases & Conditions

Hyperkalemia – Foods to avoid and management options

The nerves and muscle cells need potassium to function, and the mineral is also responsible for regulating nerves in the heart. However, when potassium levels in the blood exceed the normal range, i.e., 3.6–5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L), it can lead to a condition called hyperkalemia. This can cause severe health complications, including irregular heartbeat and even heart attack. However, hyperkalemia can be managed through treatment and changes in meal plans. Foods to avoid A high-potassium meal regimen or using excessive potassium supplements can contribute to the development of hyperkalemia. Excessive amounts of this mineral can result in numbness, tingling sensations, and digestive problems. So, one should avoid potassium-rich fruits like honeydew melon, oranges, bananas, and cantaloupe. Additionally, people affected by the condition should also limit high-potassium foods like apricots, mangoes, avocados, kiwis, breakfast cereals (with dried fruit), salt substitutes, milk and dairy products, chickpeas, and lentils. One should ensure that their potassium intake is limited to a maximum of 2,000 milligrams (mg) per day. A doctor can help develop a manageable meal plan to keep the potassium levels in check.  Maintenance treatment options  Various treatment options are recommended for different stages of hyperkalemia. If the potassium levels are not severe but still need to be lowered, doctors may recommend sodium bicarbonate to temporarily shift potassium into body cells.
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